Saturday, April 09, 2005

Baseball Season is on

I've been looking forward to this baseball season more than any other in recent memory. Not sure why - possibly because I've been listening to the FAN 590 (Toronto all-sports radio station) a lot lately, so I've been hearing more talk about the team, interviews, and stuff like that. It'll be tough without Carlos Delgado, but the additions of Corey Koskie and Shea Hillenbrand should help, and with people like Wells, Rios, Hudson, and Zaun (and Eric Hinske, if he gets back to his rookie-of-the-year form of a couple of years ago), the Jays should be fine offensively. Pitching is always a question mark, but Roy Halladay has looked sharp so far, and Ted Lilly should be back off the DL tomorrow. Most of the rest of the pitching staff is rather young, though, so who knows. It's not all that likely that they'll catch the Yanks or BoSox unless they have an awesome season, so we're playing for third anyway. Being in the AL East kind of sucks that way.

Maybe another reason why I'm excited about baseball this year is because of the lack of hockey. I still have lacrosse, but that's only once a week, and only for 4 1/2 months. I pay some attention to the Raptors (again, mainly through the FAN), but their season is pretty much over. Since I don't care much for football, baseball's it for me until the fall when hockey (hopefully!) starts again. I'll post my thoughts on the whole lockout thing and replacement players and stuff like that another time.

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