Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leave that thing alone

I read an article on a blog yesterday, where the guy talked about circumcision — how he needed to get it done to his son when he was about 5, and he wished he had gotten it done when he was born. He says "I listened to all that nonsense about butchering and psychological damage and curcumcision being unnatural. What a mistake." I couldn't disagree more. I don't believe that circumcision causes psychological damage, but in general, there is no anaesthesia used, so (I'm guessing - I don't actually remember) it really freakin' hurts. Do you want to cause your son that much pain, even if there won't be lasting psychological damage? Not without a damn good reason — and thus far, I have not been able to find one.

The main argument that people use when arguing for circumcision is that it allows the child to avoid painful infections that could require circumcision later in life. When Gail was pregnant with Ryan, we asked our family doctor about this, and she said that most of the time, proper washing of the penis eliminates this problem. When Ryan was 3, he could wash his penis by himself, so it's not a difficult thing. She (our doctor) also said that people get ingrown toenails all the time, but nobody advocates removing them at birth.

Another argument I've heard (this, to me, is unbelievable) is that if the father is circumcised, it's important for the child's penis to look like that of his father. Hogwash. If that's true, then you'd better hope that your kids all have the same eye and hair colour as their father as well. Quite simply, people look different — my kids know this. Neither of my sons have ever asked why I look different than them.

It's true that in some cases, infections or inflammations or whatever may cause circumcision to be required in older children, or even adults. But that doesn't mean that we should just do the surgery in advance just in case it's necessary later. Hey, the tonsils and appendix serve no purpose in the human body, and they may also get infected (and if an infected appendix ruptures, it could be life-threatening), so we should remove them at birth too, right? Gail had her gall bladder removed 12 years ago because of gallstones, and she's just fine now, so should we remove all gall bladders from babies so that they avoid the pain of gallstones? The logic is the same.

Bottom line: it's painful for the child, expensive (health insurance doesn't cover it), and generally unnecessary. So why would you want to do this to your child? I don't believe that circumcision is butchery or psychologically scarring, I just don't understand why you'd elect to have it done to your child.

Note: Some people have the procedure done for religious reasons. That is not an issue for me, which is why when Ryan was born, I simply looked into the medical reasons to get it done (and found none). As an atheist, I can't say I understand it, but if your faith dictates (probably using the wrong word there) that your male children must be circumcised, then it doesn't really matter whether or not it is medically necessary. If you honestly believe that God wants your infant son to feel that much pain for no medical reason, then nothing I say in this article will mean anything to you.

Aside: I wonder how many more google searches will hit my blog now that I've used the word "penis". Maybe I should rewrite this article using various other words for penis, and watch my readership numbers skyrocket!

Update (Dec 2006): As Yappa pointed out in the comments, there have been studies that show that circumcised heterosexual men are less likely (some studies say half as likely) to get HIV than uncircumcised men. John mentioned in his blog (also in the comments) that Wikipedia lists other advantages, including lower incidence of penile cancer.

Here's a link (thanks John) to an article saying that the results were so striking that they actually ended the study a year early, saying that it would be unethical not to offer circumcisions to all the men in the study. These results are certainly interesting, and if I lived in sub-Saharan Africa, I would have to seriously reconsider having it done to my kids. However, incidence of HIV among heterosexual non-drug-using men is far lower here than it is there. I don't regret my decision not to have it done (and if I had another son I probably still would not get it done), but I must take back my (implicit) assertion that it's pointless and has no benefits.

I still don't generally agree with removing something just because it might cause problems later. Doctors believe the appendix serves no purpose, and later in life it can become infected, causing pain and if it ruptures, possibly even death, but doctors don't remove them at birth "just in case".


Anonymous said...

Hardly anyone gets polio these days, but we still vaccinate children against it (and it's not like needles are pain-free).

Graeme said...

Are you honestly comparing the surgical removal of foreskin (with no anesthaesia) to a vaccination, which stings for a few seconds tops? Puh-leeze. One affects you for the rest of your life, the other you forget about after a few minutes. There's no comparison.

Anonymous said...

First of all, a lot of circumcisions CAN be performed with anaesthetic.
Second, most people can't remember anything that happened to them before they were a few years old. If you remember pains from 8 days old, you are the exception.

Graeme said...

According to wikipedia, "According to a 1998 study, anaesthesia is used by 45% of physicians performing infant circumcisions... Obstetricians were notable in the study for a significantly lower rate of anaesthesia use (25%) than pediatricians (71%) or family practitioners (56%)." So, it seems that my assertion of "in general, there's no anaesthesia used" was not quite accurate. Still, according to these numbers, more than half of all doctor-performed circumcisions are done without anaesthesia. I have no idea about whether mohels use anaesthesia or not.

When I talked about something that affects you for the rest of your life, I was actually referring to the lack of foreskin, not the memory of pain, though I can see the confusion, since my comment was very badly written. Sometimes the words, they don't always come out, you know, like, goodly.

My point was that as a parent, you will generally do anything to spare your child unnecessary pain, which is what I consider circumcision to be. I don't consider vaccinations to be unnecessary, and the pain level is much lower.

I am not saying that parents who choose to get their child circumcised are evil, abusive monsters. I simply have yet to see any compelling evidence that it serves any purpose - so why would you choose to do something that hurts your child (even temporarily) if it serves no purpose?

Yappa said...

You probably saw it, but since you wrote this there has been a lot of news about how circumcision greatly reduces transmission of HIV.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now let's go a few years into the future. Your son starts dating and is about to have sex for the first time...he's excited and thinks nothing of it. Then all of a sudden the girl goes "what is that?". I think getting it cut would actually be better mentally for him. I've known plenty of girls who have told me how they freaked out when a boy wasnt circumcised and I know I wouldn't be able to take that mentally. I for one am extremely happy I was circumcised....I would probably cry if I wasn't.

Margaret said...

Call me crazy, but shouldn't a decision like whether or not to circumcise be made on an individual basis by the male in question when he is of an age to weigh the benefits/risks/consequences?

I had this debate with my parents recently, who told me that had I been a boy, they would've had me circumcised, simply for the fact that they would want me to be like my father. I cringed... I don't like decisions that affect my body, my self and my sex for the rest of my life to be made for me.

I don't see this practice on infant males going away any time soon, not in this country anyway. I found a very good article comparing male circumcision to female genital alteration:

Anonymous said...

When they say circumcision cuts HIV by 50% in Uganda, that seems impressive, but they don't tell you it means they'd have to circumcise 56 men to prevent one transmission per year. (In the US, with its lower HIV incidence, the number - other things being equal - would be 380!) The time, expertise and money could be far better spent promoting safe sex, treating ulcerative diseases (which facilitate HIV transmission) and preventing malaria.

But the study is still far from convincing. The circumcised men (but not the control group) had to abstain from sex after their operations. This and cutting the experiment short make the effectiveness seem higher.

Each new experiment has a lower effectiveness, as they correct for more confounders. Not so long ago they were claiming 8-fold reduction. When they've corrected for everything, what will be left?

More at

People who advocate cutting parts of babies' penises off should see what actually happens at
Make sure you have the sound turned up.

Anonymous said...

The link to the video should be

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this board cuts the link short. It should be
27632617&hl=en and you'll have to join it up yourselves. If that doesn't work, you'll find a link to it on the front page of

Anonymous said...

On the subject of AIDS, it is critical to note that in Africa HIV is a heterosexual disease, so that female to male transmission (reduced by circ) is crucial to the virus' spread. In the West, AIDS is mostly a disease of gays (receptive anal) and drug users. Circumcision simply won't have any effect on AIDS transmission in the West.