Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Breaking News

Attention all single men! The news you have all been waiting for has arrived: Britney Spears is filing for divorce! This means that Britney is available! For those of you who are on the prowl for a rich and famous woman who is stunningly beautiful (when she's not skanky-looking), marginally talented, and has the IQ of molasses, this is your lucky day. I'm happily married, so this news has no effect on me.

On the other hand, Halle Berry is also single...

Update: So is the über-cute Reese Witherspoon.


Anonymous said...

What do you have against molasses?

Graeme said...

You're right, I probably should have said "...the IQ of your average jar of molasses". I'm sure there are some pretty clever jars of molasses out there that could out-think Britney.