If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may have noticed a slowdown in the number of postings over the last five months or so. This is because of the other two blogs I've been writing for: NLLChatter.com (my own lacrosse blog) and ILIndoor.com, the premier box (indoor) lacrosse blog anywhere. Since late December, I've written twenty articles on ILIndoor (listed here) and almost eighty articles on NLLChatter. By way of comparison, I've written all of ten here.
The National Lacrosse League season ended a little over a week ago. There are indoor lacrosse leagues in the summer, as well as a field lacrosse league, but I don't really follow them, so I'm pretty much done with lacrosse until next winter. So now that I have more free time to not write about lacrosse, and because the weather is beautiful outside, I'm finding that sitting at the computer and writing about other things is a little less of a draw now than it has been in the past. I'm quite sure this is temporary, and I do have a number of articles in the queue either needing polish or waiting to be written. In fact, one of them will likely be posted later today.
So do not worry, faithful reader, that I have quit the blogging game. Stick with me and there'll be more articles coming – and I guarantee that you'll get the same amount of insight and wisdom as you've always gotten from me. Interpret that last sentence as you will.
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